Carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel symptoms
- light tingling and numbness in the hand
- impaired sensitivity of the hand and fingers
- reduced fine motor skills of the hand and fingers
- burning sensations in the palm or fingers
- waking up at night due to unpleasant sensations and pain in the hand
Do you notice the above symptoms? Unfortunately, we do not have good news for you, because it is most likely Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, the initial manifestations of which are precisely these symptoms. It is one of the most common occupational diseases and the most common hand disease today. Moreover, the symptoms tend to worsen and if left untreated, permanent and irreversible damage to the hand may occur, so treat the initial symptoms.
What is carpal tunnel?
The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway located in the wrist area through which some nerves, small blood vessels, and muscle tendons pass from the forearm to the palm. The main flexors of the fingers pass through this passageway, as well as the median nerve, which transmits impulses from the brain to the hand, thus regulating touch and hand movement. When people say they have carpal tunnel, they actually mean Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is damage to the area. Since this disease is mainly caused by working with a computer mouse, it is also called computer mouse syndrome.
Description of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a compression syndrome affecting the median nerve. It occurs due to permanent compression of this nerve due to chronic overloading of the wrist, i.e. the wrist is exposed to pressure for a long time. In an ergonomically inappropriate position of the wrist, the volume of the structures that pass through the carpal tunnel increases, which subsequently reduces the space and compresses the blood vessels that nourish the median nerve, which creates a very painful condition.
Causes of carpal tunnel
The most common causes of this disease include excessive strain on the wrist due to stereotyped work associated with holding and gripping objects. This health problem is very often suffered by people who work hours on a computer, but it can also occur during heavy manual work or during sports. Hormonal changes or other diseases such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis can also cause a carpal tunnel problem.
Do not take the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome lightly
If you experience symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, we recommend that you visit a doctor and undergo a professional examination. Only a medical examination can confirm or refute the diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment. Treatment begins by eliminating the cause. Keep in mind that moderate and severe nerve damage usually requires surgery, so do not delay visiting a doctor if you have any doubts or health problems.
Prevention is important
Finally, we should mention the possibilities of prevention, because as in all areas of life, you have everything in your hands. If a person performs a risky job, which includes working at a computer, it is important to take ergonomic measures and not strain the wrist and muscles in the hand area. Taking regular breaks and doing simple stretching exercises for the wrist and arms is also very effective.
When working on a computer, specially designed wrist rests will help you to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, keeping your wrists in an optimal position. Equally important is the correct height adjustment of your desk and chair, which will achieve an angle that is favorable for your hand position.