Office address:
(showroom, office, visit must be arranged in advance by e-mail)
- Jiří Skala
- Krauzovna 379
- 277 41 Kly - Krauzovna
- Czech Republic
- Mob: +420 774 405 041 (for communication in English)
- email:
- Skype: Ergo-product
Billing address:
(the address is not used for exchanging and returning goods)
- Jiří Skala
- Nová 224
- 276 01 Mělník
- Czech Republic
- IČO: 64404145
- DIČ: CZ6406010050
- EORI: CZ6406010050
All goods from our store can be sent to all countries of the European Union.
Bank connection:
- KB for payments in CZK: 5479870237 / 0100
- FIO for payments in EUR: 2100616450 / 2010
- IBAN: CZ1220100000002100616450
Contact form:
Do you have any questions? We'll answer them. Please fill out your contact details carefully.